All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractAnimation Abstract class for Style animations
CoordinateActionPanel Abstract class which prompts the user for an X and Y coordinate and allowing him to specify a projection format.
Convenient way to plug into the generic events handling mechanism a base class who could differentiate between different event types to call specific methods (insert, delete) accordingly
A node of the STR tree.
Base class for STRtree and SIRtree.
A test for intersection between two bounds, necessary because subclasses of AbstractSTRtree have different implementations of bounds.
Abstract class used to build a thematic legend
This class implement the interface and represents an Access Control List (ACL).
This class represents the one entry of an access control list
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.ActionCollection instead
Utility class that extracts parameter values from an argument array received in a main(String[]) method.
A utility for making programming assertions.
Thrown when the application is in an inconsistent state.
This class is used to select map elements, without knowing if the elements are in memory or not.
This class is used to select map elements, without knowing if the elements are in memory or not.
This class encapsulates information about an attribute field.
The attribute filter is used as a constraint in the extraction of geometries and attributes from a spatial data source.
The PredefQueryValidator interface can be used with the KPredefQueriesDlg to validate values entered by users using predefined queries.
Class to represent an attribute that is restricted by a domain
This class contains various methods for manipulating attributes.
This class contains statistics of an attribute (Attribute instance).
To be extended instead directly extending BaseListBean if we want the bean to handle sort, filter and pagination operations internally instead of leaving prime faces data table to do all the job.
Class to manage the data for compressed binary storage type
A class that represents the configuration for a Bing layer.
Denomination for Bing API
HttpServlet that delegates all traffic to Birt's ViewerServlet.
A spatial object in an AbstractSTRtree.
A Button object is a button that can take different configuration.
A ButtonDef is use to define options (icon, text, etc) for a Button.
This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons.
abstract class used to build chartLegend such as pie chart legend or bar chart legend
Contains an Array of the objects Folders and Services.
This is an abstract class that represents a classification thematic that can be applied to a layer to produce a thematic map with a classification (vs proportionalQuantities).
Utility class used to create the cluster visual elements to add to the Map.
Contract to be implemented by Cluster strategy objects Variants from clustering strategies might exist, some of them could be simple iterative algorithms, some other could be slightly different like K-Means, Hierarchical algorithms ETC.
Factory Class to instantiate clustering algorithm strategies by their class name.
Base class to implement the styling logic of clusters.
Applicable to numbers(Integer, Float, Double), date(Date) and text(String)
This class permits to convert color expressed in hexadecimal to decimal (int) and vice vesa
Complex is the subclass of collection used to describe collection with various type of geometries.
Glue interface used for beans to participate in generic dialogs mechanism.
Default implementation of ConfirmationCallBack to inherit from, in most of cases where only handleYes needs to be implemented
POJO representation of a coordinate.
This class contains methods to create CSV formatted strings.
This abstract class defines methods for a general curve (1D geometry object)
Class used by ToolInfo and ToolSelectionReport to manage custom reports URL generation
Utility class that resolve custom spatial data sources.
The DatabaseConfig class is used to define a database configuration.
The NativeTypeMap class is used to map a SQL type constant to a native SQL type.
The TypePrecisionMap class is used to define the default precision of a SQL type.
This class manages a pool of JDBC connections.
This event is fired by DatabaseConnectionPool objects to inform its listeners about any state changes.
This class is used to represent a DatabaseConnectionPool configuration.
The DatabaseConnectionPoolListener class is used to add listeners to a DatabaseConnectionPool object.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for DatabaseEvent
DatabaseServices is a database utility class.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for DataSourceEvent
Fired when an extract elements or attributes is received.
This class permits to manage the users the of JMap.
An feature may have one or more geometric parts (a single-part or multi-part feature).
Every geometry that is storage as compressed binary, was serialize using points.
DefaultK2DElementFactory is the default K2DElement factory used in JMap.
Central server side class to coordinate dialogs.
This interface is used by Layer objects to filter map elements display.
Abstract class to represent a domain
Exception thrown when another instance of JMapServer with the same license is detected on the network.
DWG reader class.
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.EditionAction instead
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.EditionActionElementAdded instead
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.EditionActionElementDeleted instead
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.EditionActionElementModified instead
use jmap.extensions.edition.undo.EditionActionElementMoved instead
This class represents an event fired from ToolDraw.
Main class to manage the edgb datasource
Encapsulate commons operation between different databases managers.
Defines constants for supported element types in JMap
Has the responsibility to code/decode the ESRI binary spatial data format (SDEBINARY)
Factory used to map different style patterns the esri uses into the correct id or picture in jmap.
The ExtendedGeneralPath class represents a geometric path constructed from straight lines, quadratic and cubic (Bézier) curves and elliptical arc.
This interface is used to implement an external authentication service into a user manager in JMap Server.
This class is a simpler implementation of a growable array than the Vector class
This class is unused and incomplete.
This interface is implemented by all geometry classes in JMap.
Defines constants for geometry types supported in JMap.
A spatial filter used to query vector spatial data sources by geometry type.
This class utility provides static methods to perform geometry operations defined in the Open Geospatial Consortium Simple feature model.
This class provides an abstraction from the details of TIFF data access for the purpose of retrieving GeoTIFF metadata from an image.
Parser configuration for the schema.
A class that represents the configuration for a Google Maps layer.
Denomination for version 3 of Google Maps API
This class is only used as a wrapper for a Graphics object.
This class encapsulates the concept of group of users.
This event is fired when a member is added or removed in a Group object of a UserManager instance.
This class contains basic information about a Group.
This class can create a heatmap from a given list of points.
A usefull class to send request to a HTTP server.
Used to abstract the generality of JMap entities managed in JMapAdmin which in general have an id and a name
Default implementation of Identifiable interface
Define methods for every SQL piece that might change from DB to DB
Define the methods to encode and decode the spatial data when the storage type is binary.
Raised when the database is not an Enterprise Geodatabase.
Abstract class for writing out an image.
This is an image type.
InfoReportBirtImageConfig class containing the information for the embedded Birt inforeport images
InfoReportBirtImageInfo Class containing the generated Birt inforeport image generated by the client
InfoReportBirtImageResult class containing an inforeport's Birt image results
This wrapper class encapsulates the results of an information request.
InfoReportType Describes the different inforeport types JSP Classic jsp reports BIRT birt report displayed with a frameset BIRT_HTML birt report without a frameset BIRT_PDF birt report opened as a pdf WMS WMS report CUSTOM a custom report
This class defines methods used to compute the intersection between two geometries.
A contiguous portion of 1D-space.
A Hashtable that uses ints as the keys.
Exception class to control the valid attribute values
Boundable wrapper for a non-Boundable spatial object.
A visitor for items in an index.
Clustering strategy based on the SimpleIterativeClusterer that adds a heuristic to solve the problem of the closest cluster coming later.
This class defines common behaviors for JMap actions (buttons, tools, menu items).
This class manages AbstractAction in a JMapApplication.
This class contains useful information about a JMap client application.
Zooms on a specified area or object on the initial view of a map Two types of autoZooms can be used, region or object, the type is determined by the first parameter: 'type' REGION (<type;x;y;width;height>) The user specifies the viewing area by specifying a rectangle.
Abstract superclass over JMapConnection.
A JMapClientExtension is a module that can be integrated into a JMap client application to extend its functionalities.
Client extensions can provide an implementation of this interface to perform special tasks (like copying files) when the extension is deployed.
This abstract class represents a connection between a client application and JMapServer.
Simple class encapsulating network connection information.
todo : doc
Utility class containing helper methods for managing JMap contexts.
A base class for all event managed by the JMapEventQueue.
The JMapEventQueue manages an event queue for JMapEvent class events.
A JMapGeoElement object is essentially a wrapper that contains a geographic element and all its associated attributes.
This interface is used to create GUI components depending of the implementation.
This class represents a direct connection between a client application and JMapServer running in the same process.
This class manages and stores tile as disk cache to reduce tile request on the sever
This class represents a network connection between a client application and JMapServer.
This class manage a pool of JMapNetworkConnection.
This class completely encapsulates the use of a network connection pool object.
An interface that classes must implement to be notified of JMap request execution.
Creates a thread that is going to be used to execute a client's request.
Resource loader to be used for user feedback messages during, It's a copy of the one used in GND Included for evaluation purposes, to see if it's viable to include it in JMapAdmin See it in practice in BaseAdminFacesBean
An abstract class representing a response generated from the execution of a JMapRequest object by JMapServer.
This adapter implements all methods so that subclasses will only need to override the method that they want to handle.
Base class for JMap server data events
Centralized point to control jmap server events system.
This class on the server sides manages the data.
The JMapServerInfo class is used to transfer information about a JMapServer.
ObjectInputStream using the JMapserver system classloader as normal ObjectInputStreams are not assured to use the system classloader
This event is fired by JMapServerProject objects to inform its listeners about layer addition or deletion.
A class that manages a pool of connections to remote instance of JMapServer.
This event is fired by JMapServerRemoteConnectionPool objects to inform its listeners about any state changes.
The JMapServerRemoteConnectionPoolListener class is used to add listeners to a JMapServerRemoteConnectionPool object.
A JMapServerRequest is serialized and sent to JMapServer to typically request some information.
Request that contains a list of sub requests using Composite pattern.
Class to encapsulate remote layer requests.
An interface that custom request handler classes must implement to be recognized by JMapServer.
The JMapServerRequestsBean class is used as a base class to create information request beans.
A JMapServerResponse is serialized and sent from the server to a client in response to a previously received request.
Response that contains a list of sub responses using Composite pattern.
Requires runtime access to the jmap_server.jar library.
Requires runtime access to the jmap_server.jar library.
Requires runtime access to the jmap_server.jar library.
Requires runtime access to the jmap_server.jar library.
This event is fired when a view is changed.
This event is fired when a view is changed.
The JMapServerSystemData class is used as a data structure to hold the whole JMap Server system configuration.
This class serves to represents data sources who's source is a file.
A JMapSrvConnection object is responsible for handling all communications between a JMap application (client) and JMapServer (server).
This class represents a map unit
This class is used to register, save and load user parameters from JMap Server.
This class is an abstraction of a series of in-process connections and pooled network connections.
Facilitates requests/responses processing with JMap server.
Special type of Point that holds a list of other points.
A class containing many K2DElement (K2DPolygon, K2DPolyline, K2DPoint, etc).
An abstract class that graphic element classes overrides to be displayed on a map in a JMap view.
Classes that implement the K2DElementFactory interface are used to create K2DElement instances based using specified parameters.
A class used to display 2D ellipse type geometries.
A class representing a 2D image.
A low level class representing a 2D geometric affine transformation matrix.
A class used to display 2D point type geometries.
A class used to display 2D polygon type geometries.
A class representing a polyline.
A class encapsulating a Style object and a K2DElement object.
A class representing a scalable text element (map annotation).
A class representing a 2D transformation matrix and helper methods used to apply affine 2D transformations (translation, rotation, scaling) to map elements.
An abstract class that defines member variables used to monitor a cache.
Utility abstract class used to easily calculate the checksum of any serializable object.
The KDataCacheMonitoringInfo class is used to store monitoring info for a KAbstractDataCache instance.
KFileUtil contains usefull methods for files manipulation.
This converts an image file into an formated string and vice versa.
A utility helper class used to load images from an URL or from a resource file.
A class representing a 2D scalable string
A class representing a 2D text box.
This class enables email sending
A class used to store and retrieve data stored on memory.
A class to read a MapInfo MID/MIF files.
A class to read a MapInfo file (MID/MIF).
A class used to store and retrieve data stored on memory.
This abstract class encapsulates a pool of objects.
A KScheduler executes scheduled jobs (notifications).
A KScheduler executes scheduled jobs (notifications).
KScheduler clients must implement this interface to register with a scheduler.
Class representing a job to be executed by the scheduler.
A class to read ESRI Arc/Info Shape file.
This class encapsulates a pool of socket connections
Defines some rendering attributes for lines.
A class to read points from a comma separated file (CSV).
Class responsible to read json and store any information that has to do with labels.
Lambert Conform Conic projection.
Commonly used as landslide symbol
This abstract class represents a layer of information on the map.
Represents a layer under a service.
This Adapter implements LayerEventListner and enable subclasses to override only the methods that are needed to handle a specific LayerEvent
This event is fired when new data is being requested.
This event is fired when a new element is added to the layer
This event is fired when one or more elements changed on a layer
This event is fired when an element is removed from the layer
This is the super class of all layer events.
Classes that want to listen to layer events must implement this interface and provide implementations for the methods or extends the LayerAdapter.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for LayerEvent
A LayerManager object responsible for managing two lists of ordered layers:
Normal layers: layers that are used to display data.
This event is fired when the layer positions have changed
This event is fired before a property is changed on a layer.
This event is fired when a property is changed on a layer.
This event is fired when new data is received for a layer from the server.
Class used to manage layer refreshes for cached tiled VectorLayers.
This event is fired when a layer is removed from its layer manager.
This event is fired whenever a change occurs in the selection of a layer.
This event is fired when the style of a layer changed.
Classes that want to listen to LayerTreeBar events must implement this interface and provide implementations for the methods.
LayerTreeUtil is a utility class to use with layer tree groups.
Class used to manage layer refreshes for a view's non-cached layers.
A line is a LineString with 2 points.
This class represents a closed LineString.
This class represents a line made of several points.
A class used to render line strings as an AWT shape.
Manage JMapServer login session info on a local server.
A useful class which can be used as an email container.
The MailMessageDlg class is used to display an interface to create a new email message.
Operator to make a geometry valid.
A set of Geo and Terrain Conversion utils.
Mapbox layer labels utility methods.
A class that represents the configuration for a MapBoxLayer layer.
Mapbox layer thematics utility methods.
Mapbox border layer thematics utility methods.
Mapbox layers utility methods.
Mapbox layer styles utility methods.
POJO representation of a Mapbox project sprite image info.
POJO representation of a Mapbox project sprite index file.
Mapbox symbol sprite utility methods.
The MapImageEncoder interface is used by the JMSImageProducer to encode images to differents image formats.
The MapImageRequest is used to request an image displaying a specified part of a configured project to a JMSImageProducer.
AbstractZoomToPointRequest is an abstract class which can be used to create requests that need a coordinate to zoom to.
The AttributedCoord class is a wrapper for a K2DCoord object and a boolean hasDCCoord which defines whether this object contains a WC or a DC coordinate.
The AttributedRect class is a wrapper for a K2DRotateRect object and a boolean hasDCCoord which defines whether the K2DRect object wrapped by this object contains a WC or a DC coordinate.
Map image request class used to find elements on the map located at the specified coordinate.
Found elements are returned as an array of LayerElement through the data map in the MapImageResponse.
Map image request class used to find elements on the map located at the specified geometry.
Found elements are returned as an array of Element through the data map in the MapImageResponse.
Map image request class used to find elements on the map located at the specified coordinate.
Found elements are returned as an array of Element through the data map in the MapImageResponse.
The MapInitRequest object is used when the view should be zoomed to its initial view bounds before the image creation.
The PanRequest object is used when a pan action should be done before the image creation.
Map image request class used to find elements on the map located at the specified coordinate.
Found elements are returned as an array of Element through the data map in the MapImageResponse.
The ZoomExtentRequest object is used when the view should be zoomed to its extent view bounds before the image creation.
The ZoomInToPointRequest object is used when a zoom in should be done on a specified coordinate before the image creation.
The ZoomInToRectRequest object is used when a zoom in should be done using the specified rectangle before the image creation.
The ZoomOutToPointRequest object is used when a zoom out should be done on a specified coordinate before the image creation.
The ZoomOutToRectRequest object is used when a zoom out should be done using the specified rectangle before the image creation.
The ZoomPreviousRequest object is used when a zoom should be done to the specified rectangle before the image creation.
The ZoomToPointRequest object is used when a zoom should be done on a specified coordinate before the image creation.
The ZoomToRectRequest object is used when a zoom should be done to the specified view bounds before the image creation.
The MapImageResponse is returned by the JMSImageProducer when a MapImageRequest is processed.
Created for Mid Mif files TODO: evaluate if other file formats for which this driver strategy is instantiated work the same
This class contains information used to draw an logo on the application.
This is a service type.
This class provides methods to simplify the localized formatted message creation.
Contains a list of localized messages used by JMap.
Contains a list of localized messages used by JMap.
Since Tomcat 8.5.37 ...
MouseOverDownloadHandler Download the specified file or URL usage: local file download via URL
MouseOverLocateUrlHandler Handles URL of for: "locate:[autozoomRequest]:target=[new/viewName]".
This abstract class represent a collection of curves
This class represents a collection of LineString
A single LineString is allowed even if it's not the correct class.
This class represents a collection of Point.
This class represents a collection of Polygon
A single Polygon is allowed even if it's not the correct class.
This abstract class represent a collection of surfaces
A class to read points from a NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) file.
Handler for the different types that NMEA speaks.
The NorthArrowDrawer interface is used
This class is used to format number.
A class that represents the configuration for a OpenStreetMap layer.
use the OracleDataSource
Implements methods for Oracle database
Implements all needed methods to handle an Oracle database.
Exception class to control the range of the attribute values
OverlayElementManagerAnimations Class used to manage overlay animations
OverlayElementManagerByLayer Class used to manage the overlay elements added with a particular layer
OverlayElementManagerByLevel Class used to manage overlay elements added by level
OverlayElementOffset A wrapper class for a K2DStyledElement with an offset per element.
OverlayScheduledTask Abstract class for a TimerTask
OverlayScheduledTaskManager Class to manage scheduled tasks.
A OverView is a subclass of View.
A class which defines a paper format.
Class used to encode JMap geometries to compressed binary storage type
This class encapsulates the concept of permission such that is used to grant a particular type of access to a resource.
This class encapsulates the concept of permission such that is used to grant a particular type of access to a resource.
Publish JMap object permissions into simple map
This class serves to represent datasources who's source is a personal geodatabase.
Plate-Carrée projection.
The Double class defines a point specified in double precision.
The Float class defines a point specified in float precision.
The Polygon class defines a polygon in a 2D space.
A class used to render polygons as an AWT shape.
This class represents a GUI component that will display the coordinates where the user's cursor is located on the map.
Class to encode/decode geometries for Postgre database
Implements methods for Postgre database
Implements all needed methods to handle an Postgre database.
The PrintableBorder is used to add a border to a PrintableMap using a PrintLayoutManager.
The abstract class PrintableObject is used to add objects to a PrintLayoutManager.
At the creation, the bounding box of the PrintableObject should be manually set by it's creator.
Temporary implementation of a progressive cluster styler which would assign styles to the cluster in an increasing scale of colors and size.
Temporary implementation of a progressive cluster styler which would assign styles to the cluster in an increasing scale of colors and size.
This class encapsulates the information about a project on JMapServer.
This event is fired when a project is opened or closed.
Classes that want to listen to project events must implement this interface and provide implementations for the methods.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for ProjectEvent
This is a subclass of the abstract class ProportionnalQuantities.
Abstract class that represents a filter used to query a spatial data source.
The QueryManager class was created to simplify JMap attribute query requests.
Applicable to numbers(Integer, Float, Double) and date (Date)
This is a subclass of the abstract class Ranges.
A class that represents a layer of raster data (images).
This class contains the main method relate to test relationship between two given geometries, and the methods needed to compute it.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for ProjectEvent
Job that update data source info.
JMapServerVectorLayer implementation for clone remote layer.
Using the RequestContext class requires the use of a try / finally block, because the request context is thread resident and can be reused in another request by the same thread.
recursos en español
Centralized point to have access to resources by the resource bundle name.
This class contains the GUI interface for the scale pane which is normally located at the bottom of the associated view.
ScheduledTask A scheduled task used for regular Overlay elements
ScheduledTaskLayer A scheduled task used for regular VectorLayer Overlay elements
Utility class to handle decoding/encoding process for compressed binary layout
This class manages a pool of ArcSDE connections.
This class is used to represent a SdeConnectionPool configuration.
Represents an ESRI ArcSDE spatial data source.
Generic exception thrown by user managers if the communication with the server fails.
POJO representation of a server project.
A tool class to read ESRI Arc/Info Shape.
Simple clustering strategy based on JavaScript examples from OpenLayers and google maps Makes an iteration creating clusters the first time that a point is found not belonging to any existent cluster.
This class provides methods to reduce the number of points in a geometry
This abstract class represents a source of spatial data.
This abstract class must be extended by file readers of geographical data formats in order to use them as data sources in JMapServer.
This class manages a spatial index used with JMap SQL spatial data sources.
The basic operations supported by classes implementing spatial index algorithms.
A spatial filter used to query spatial data sources.
Source :
Splash Window to show an image during startup of an application.
A class that read points from a database.
A class that read points from a database.
SQL query filter that specifies a where clause used to query a spatial data source that supports SQL.
Implements all needed methods to handle an SQL Server database.
A class that read wkb from a database.
Stereographic projection.
Define all possibles storage types for all DBMS
An Icon that scales its image to fill the component area, excluding any border or insets, optionally maintaining the image's aspect ratio by padding and centering the scaled image horizontally or vertically.
Converter to solve general problem of blank spaces in literal identifiers (names) of JMap entities.
A query-only R-tree created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) algorithm.
A Style object contains all the information necessary to render the elements in a view.
StyleAnimationWrapper This contains the necessary information to draw an animated style: The element, animator, frame status and its level
StyleAnimationWrapperLayer A wrapper object which contains the necessary information for VectorLayer Overlay elements.
StyleBlinking A style which will be drawn and then disappear alternatively using the specified refresh rate
StyleContainer is basically a container containing the four different styles to draw every JMap elements: Point, line, surface and text.
StyleSequence A style which will alternate sequentially using the specified styles.
Base class to inherit from when implementing the recommended way to listen for StyleTemplateEvent
The StyleUtil class is used by all Graphics2D objects to update their GraphicsRef reference with the specified Style object just before beginning to draw themselves.
TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
Creates a simple standard dialog with text area and ok/cancel buttons.
This is an abstract class that represents a theme that can be applied to a layer to produce a thematic map.
This is an abstract class that represents a thematic category.
class that represents a category for individual values thematic.
class that represents a category for range thematic.
This class represent a rectangular section (region) of a layer.
A TileSet is composed by a set of orthogonal tiles organized in the form of a N x M grid and a universe tile of infinite dimension.
A command that returns a typed result and may throw an exception.
This abstract class is the base class of all the tools to be used with View objects.
This subclass of ToolLine is a tool to calculate the distance between different points on a View instance.
This abstract class provides a base class for the drawing tools.
This subclass of Tool automatically draws a rectangle on the view when the mouse is dragged.
This subclass of Tool automatically draws a circle on the view when the mouse is dragged.
This tool allows the user to draw graphics2D elements on a map in a JMap view and then store them in the specified layer.
This subclass of Tool automatically draws a line on the view when the mouse is dragged.
This subclass of Tool automatically draws a line on the view when the mouse is dragged.
This tool allows the user to draw graphics2D elements on a map in a JMap view and then store them in the specified layer.
This tool allows the user to add a point on the map by entering an X,Y coordinate
This subclass of Tool automatically draws a line on the view when the mouse is dragged.
This tool is used to select elements displayed on the View object When it is used, the first element found at the user click location, contained in a visible and selectable Layer object is selected (usually redrawn with a different style).
A tool similar to MouseOver.
This tool is used to select elements displayed in the View object that associated with this tool When it is used, the first element found at the user's click location, contained in a visible and selectable Layer object is selected (usually redrawn with a different style).
This tool is used to pan or slide the map in order to display another portion of it.
This tool verifies if the cursor is placed on one of the extremities of the view and verifies if the cursor is left there for the specified delay value, if it is, it pans the view in the cursor position direction.
This tool simply recenters the view when the user clicks on in.
This subclass of Tool enable to print or mail a map
This tool is used to punctually select elements displayed in the View object on which this tool was used.
This tool is used to select elements displayed in the View object on which this tool was used.
This tool is used to select elements displayed in the View object on which this tool was used.
This tool is used to show a report of the selected elements
This tool is used to select elements displayed on the View instance associated with this tool.
This tool is used to select elements displayed on the View instance associated with this tool.
This class enable to open a window with the proper url after a mouse click on a element.
This tool is used to zoom in around a region defined by the box drawn by the user, on the View object on which the tool was used.
This tool is used to zoom out around the center of the region defined by the box drawn by the user, on the View object on which the tool was used.
Transformation is the base class for all geometry transformations.
The TranslationTransformation is used to apply a translation to the specified geometries.
The translation is made directly to the specified geometry instances.
Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
The UndoManager is used to keep track of user actions and provides them with Undo and Redo capabilities.
Raised for database management system that are not supported by EgdbDataSource
This class represents a user.
This class contains the information (username, fullName, emailAddress) associated with a user (User instance)
This interface must be implemented by subclasses to manage users and groups in JMap.
This interface must be implemented by any class that wants to handle events on a UserManager instance
UserManager namespace's holding utility.
UserParameter class used to store user parameters (key / object).
Interface used to load and save user parameters.
Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
A class that represents a layer of vector map elements.
VFlowLayout is similar to FlowLayout except it lays out components vertically.
This event is fired when a View object is activated.
This view adapter implements ViewEventListener and enable subclasses to override only the methods that are needed to handle specific events on a View instance
This event is fired when a new View object is added to the control of a ViewManager object.
This event is fired when a view is changed.
This event is fired when a View object is deactivated.
This class is a Thread responsible for drawing the content of a View object.
A base class for all events fired by the ViewEventListener.
This interface must be implemented by any class that wants to handle events on a View instance
This KeyListener is used to listen to KeyPressed events on a view and perform the specified operations
This class is a special view that is used to display a magnified perspective of another view (the master view).
The ViewManager class is responsible for managing View objects by keeping the list of views, by broadcasting the events to the views and by providing general services about the views such as determining which view is the currently active view.
This view adapter implements ViewManagerEventListener and enable subclasses to override only the methods that are needed to handle specific events on a ViewManager instance.
A base class for all events fired by the ViewManagerEventListener.
This interface must be implemented by any class that wants to handle events on a ViewManager instance
ViewOverlay The ViewOverlay is used to draw elements on top of the view.
This event is fired before the view contextual menu is shown.
This event is fired when a view is ready.
This event is fired when a view is redrawn.
This event is fired when a new View object is removed to the control of a ViewManager object.
This interface must be implemented by any class that wants to handle events on a ViewRenderer instance.
This event is fired when the state of the renderer is changed.
This event is fired when a ViewStaticElement is added/removed.
This event is fired when a view is repainted.
This class contains all the view setting (scale, units, background color, etc.).
The ViewState class contains properties that define the state of a View object (its scale, its extent, etc.).
This class represents graphical elements that are displayed on the map.
This event is fired when a ViewStaticElement is added/removed
This class contains information used to draw an image on the view.
A view static element that displays a framed text message in the center of the view.
A class used to draw different North Arrows on a view ViewStaticNorthArrow
This class is used to synchronize a group of views.
This event is fired when the active tool of a view is changed.
Just a workaround until the Geotools guys decide to support gt-wfs module and fix the issue with authenticated connections to WFS 1.0.0 services.
Has the responsibility to code/decode the WKB spatial data format
This class is used to serialize or deserialize WKB stream with custom k2 geometry (ellipse, annotation and multiAnnotation).
This class is used to serialize or deserialize WKB stream .
A class that represents a layer of raster data served by a Web Map Service (WMS) compatible system.
This class is used to manage user workspaces.
FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components.
This class contains the GUI interface for the zoom pane which is normally located at the bottom of the associated view.