Class KScheduler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KScheduler extends Thread
A KScheduler executes scheduled jobs (notifications). Clients simply register with the scheduler to be notified sometime in the future. The job can be done only once or be recurrent. The clients must implement the interface KSchedulerClient. The scheduler must be explicitly started.
  • Constructor Details

    • KScheduler

      @Deprecated public KScheduler()
      KScheduler should be used as a Singleton. Use getInstance instead to obtain the unique instance of KScheduler.
      Constructs a new KScheduler object.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static KScheduler getInstance()
      Retrieves the unique instance (singleton) of KScheduler.
      the KScheduler Instance
    • run

      public void run()
      Overrides the run method
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
      run in class Thread
    • addJob

      public void addJob(KSchedulerClient client, int jobId, long delay, boolean recurrent)
      Adds a new job in the scheduler. The specified client will be notified when the specified delay expires. If the recurrent flag is true, yhen the client will be notified recurrently, using the specified delay as the period. A same client can add more than jobs, as long as the jobs are identified using different jobId's.
      client - the client to notify
      jobId - a number assigned to the job. Must be unique for a given client.
      delay - number of milliseconds to wait until the client is notified by the scheduler
      recurrent - if true, the client will be notified recurrently, once every delay millisecondes. Otherwise, the client will be notified only once.
    • callMeEveryNSeconds

      @Deprecated public void callMeEveryNSeconds(KSchedulerClient client, int jobId, long delay)
      Use addJob method instead.
      Registers the specified client to be notified recurrently using the specified period.
      client - the client to notify
      jobId - the id of the job
      delay - the number of seconds between each notification
    • callMeNow

      @Deprecated public void callMeNow(KSchedulerClient client, int jobId)
      Use addJob method instead.
      Registers the specified client to be notified once as soon as possible. Can be useful to schedule jobs when the scheduler is not started yet. These jobs will be executed one after the other when the scheduler gets started.
      client - the client to notify
      jobId - the id of the job
    • removeJob

      public void removeJob(KSchedulerClient client, int jobId)
      Removes a job for the specified client with the specified job id.
      client - the client associated with the job
      jobId - the id of the job to remove
    • stopCallingMe

      @Deprecated public void stopCallingMe(KSchedulerClient client, int jobId)
      Use removeJob method instead.
      Removes a job for the specified client with the specified job id.
      client - the client associated with the job
      jobId - the id of the job to remove
    • close

      public static void close()
      Closes the scheduler.