Class LayerEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LayerAddedEvent, LayerAttributeMetadataChangedEvent, LayerDataRequestedEvent, LayerDisplayFilterChangedEvent, LayerElementsAddedEvent, LayerElementsChangedEvent, LayerElementsRemovedEvent, LayerPosChangedEvent, LayerPropertyBeforeChangeEvent, LayerPropertyChangedEvent, LayerQueryFilterChangedEvent, LayerReceivedDataEvent, LayerRefreshRequestEvent, LayerRemovedEvent, LayerSelChangedEvent, LayerStyleChangedEvent

public abstract class LayerEvent extends JMapEvent
This is the super class of all layer events.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LayerEvent

      public LayerEvent(Object src, Layer layer)
      Creates the LayerEvent instance
      src - the source object that generated the event
      layer - the layer associated with the event
  • Method Details

    • getLayer

      public Layer getLayer()
      Gets the layer associated with the event
      the corresponding layer
    • getLayerManager

      public LayerManager getLayerManager()
      If this event was fired through a LayerManager, that instance will be returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
      the associated LayerManager instance.
    • setLayerManager

      protected void setLayerManager(LayerManager layerManager)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class JMapEvent
    • accept

      public abstract void accept(LayerEventDispatcher visitor)