Class K2DEllipse

All Implemented Interfaces:
Shareable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class K2DEllipse extends K2DElement
A class used to display 2D ellipse type geometries.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • K2DEllipse

      public K2DEllipse()
      Constructs an default empty ellipse. The coordinates, width and height of the ellipse remains unspecified.
    • K2DEllipse

      public K2DEllipse(K2DEllipse ellipse)
      Constructs a copy of the specified ellipse element.
      ellipse - K2DEllipse instance that will be used to create a clone object
    • K2DEllipse

      public K2DEllipse(EllipseTypeGeometry geometry, Object[] attributes, long id)
      Creates a K2DEllipse from the specified parameters.
      geometry - the ellipse type geometry to use.
      attributes - the attributes of the element
      id - the id of the element
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public Object clone()
      This will clone the current instance of K2DElement. The cloned element is always a deep copy of the source element.
      Specified by:
      clone in class K2DElement
      a new instance of K2DElement which is equal to the specified the current element.
    • draw

      public void draw(GraphicsRef gr, K2DTransform t, Style s)
      Draws the element on the specified graphics object using the specified transformation and style.
      If the specified style contains a painter, that one will be used to fill ellipses. Otherwise, the fill color of the style will be used.
      The border color of the specified style will be used to draw the ellipses border.
      Specified by:
      draw in class K2DElement
      gr - a wrapper to the Graphics object to draw on
      t - the transformation to apply to the element
      s - the style that defines the appearance of the element
      See Also:
    • sizeOf

      public int sizeOf()
      Returns the estimated memory used by this object in bytes.
      sizeOf in class K2DElement
      the estimated memory used by this object in bytes.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      This method overrides the toString method
      toString in class Object
      String description of the element and its attributes
    • share

      public Shareable share()
      Creates a clone of the current element excluding the geometry which remains the same instance in both elements.
      Use clone() to create a real copy of the current element.
      Specified by:
      share in interface Shareable
      Specified by:
      share in class K2DElement
      a shared instance of the current element.
      See Also:
    • drawHandles

      public void drawHandles(GraphicsRef gr, K2DTransform t, Style s)
      This method draws handles around the element. The position of the handles is implementation dependent. These handles are typically used to modify the geometry of the element.
      Specified by:
      drawHandles in class K2DElement
      gr - the Graphics object to draw on.
      t - the transformation to apply to the element.
      s - the style of the element.
    • getDisplayBounds

      public Rectangle getDisplayBounds(K2DTransform t, Style s)
      Determines the bounding box of the displayed element in DC. The bounding box is the smallest possible rectangle in which the displayed element fits entirely.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayBounds in class K2DElement
      t - the transformation used to calculate the display bounds of the element.
      s - the style used to calculate the display bounds of the element.
      the bounding box of the displayed element
    • computeDisplayBounds

      protected static Rectangle computeDisplayBounds(EllipseTypeGeometry geometry, K2DTransform t, Style s)
      Computes the DC bounding box of the specified geometry using the specified parameters.
      geometry - the geometry to use when computing the bounding box.
      t - the view transformation matrix.
      s - the current style associated to the geometry.
      the DC bounding box of the geometry.
    • getGeometry

      public Geometry getGeometry()
      Returns the geometry object associated with the element.
      The returned object is an instance of EllipseTypeGeometry.
      Specified by:
      getGeometry in class K2DElement
      The geometry object associated with the element.
    • setGeometry

      public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
      Sets the geometry object associated with the element.
      Specified by:
      setGeometry in class K2DElement
      geometry - the geometry
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified geometry is not a valid EllipseTypeGeometry instance.
    • touches

      public boolean touches(Point dcCoord, K2DTransform t, Style s)
      Determines if the specified device coordinate touches the displayed element. A point touches the element if it overlaps the graphical representation of the element. The style of the element influences the result.
      Specified by:
      touches in class K2DElement
      dcCoord - the device coordinate
      t - the transformation used to display the element
      s - the style used to display the element
      true if the element contains the point, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getType

      public int getType()
      Return the current element type.
      Specified by:
      getType in class K2DElement
      the element type.
      See Also:
    • getDisplayBoundsWc

      public Rectangle getDisplayBoundsWc(ViewState vs, Style s)
      Determines the bounding box including the style of element in WC (World Coordinates). The bounding box is the smallest possible rectangle in which the displayed element fits entirely. This method offers a basic implementation by transforming the DC getDisplayBounds method result in WC. To optimize performance, each K2DElement should override this method with its own implementation. See existing implementations (K2DPolygon, K2DPoint, K2DPolyline, etc.) for examples.
      getDisplayBoundsWc in class K2DElement
      vs - the view state that provides context information to calculate the display bounds of the element.
      s - the style used used to calculate the display bounds of the element.
      the bounding box of the displayed element in WC