Class KMailService


public class KMailService extends Object
This class enables email sending
  • Constructor Details

    • KMailService

      public KMailService()
  • Method Details

    • sendMail

      public static boolean sendMail(String subject, String text, String to, String from, String SMTPServer)
      Sends an e-mail message using the specified parameters.
      subject - the subject of the message
      text - the text of the message
      to - the recipient adresses of the message seprarated by spaces
      from - the reply address of the message
      SMTPServer - the smtp server
      status true if the mail as been send successfully false otherwise
    • sendMail

      public static boolean sendMail(String subject, String text, String to, String cc, String bcc, String from, String[] attachments, String SMTPServer)
      Sends an e-mail message using the specified parameters.
      subject - the subject of the message
      text - the text of the message
      to - the recipient adresses of the message seprarated by spaces
      cc - the copy ... adresses of the message seprarated by spaces
      bcc - the ... adresses of the message seprarated by spaces
      from - the reply address of the message
      attachments - the attachement
      SMTPServer - the smtp server
      status true if the mail as been send successfully false otherwise
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      This main method is used for test purposes