Class KDataCacheMonitoringInfo


public class KDataCacheMonitoringInfo extends Object
The KDataCacheMonitoringInfo class is used to store monitoring info for a KAbstractDataCache instance.
  • Field Details

    • currentSize

      public long currentSize
      The current size used.
    • maximumSize

      public long maximumSize
      The maximum size of the cache, -1 if unlimited.
    • hits

      public long hits
      The successful retrieval data count.
    • misses

      public long misses
      The number retrieval attempts.
    • count

      public long count
      The number of elements in the cache.
  • Constructor Details

    • KDataCacheMonitoringInfo

      public KDataCacheMonitoringInfo()
  • Method Details

    • getEfficiency

      public double getEfficiency()
      This method returns the successful retrieval data count over the number of retrieval attempts. It enables to get statistic of the retrieve method.
      the efficiency ratio